Very Large Scale Integration Technology (VLSI) is an IC technology, designed by integrating a large number of electronic components such as logic gates, transistors, FET’s, etc. This technology mainly focuses on three major design and physical constraints related to an electric circuit like power, area, and speed. Some of the important VLSI Projects are mentioned below. A few of the VLSI platforms that are currently upcoming are FPGA applications, SOCs, and ASIC designs.
VLSI Projects for Engineering Students
The list of VLSI Projects using wireless, sensors, home automation, Xilinx, Mathlab, SOC, Bluetooth & other projects are discussed below. These projects are very helpful for beginners, diploma students, and engineering students.
VLSI Projects using Verilog
Verilog is one of the software languages used in VLSI technology for defining electronic circuits and their system of design. It represents the electronic circuit design by simulating the program line of code, for representing analysis of test result in terms of positive or negative and also syntheses logic.

VLSI Projects using Verilog
The list of VLSI projects based on Verilog code includes the following.
1). Design of Low Power and Enhance Speed Multiplier and Accumulator With SPST Adder in Verilog
The performance of an electronic device depends mainly on power and device heating. The aim of this project is to minimize power factors and improve the speed of MAC using the Spurious Power Suppression Technique over a modified version of the Booth type encoder.
2). Design of Hamming Type Code using FPGA in Verilog
The aim of this project is to design hardware for implementing Hamming based code for encoder and decoder systems over wireless communication. It uses FPGA on which code written in VHDL of Xilinx is executed.
3). Gabor Type Filter for Biometric Recognition with Verilog HDL
The aim of this project is to design a smart biometric fingerprinting system using Gabor filter on the VLSI project platform. This project is coded grayscale filter which is a part of Gabor filter design in VHDL language and executed on FPGA.
4). Enhanced Speed and Minimum Complexity Design of a Reed Solomon Type Decoder
The aim of this project is to design a simple Reed Solomon type decoder using VLSI technology. This project uses the Berlekamp Massey type algorithm, which is programmed in Verilog HDL. Reed Solomon decoder provides enhance speed.
5). Design and Implementing Vending Machine in Verilog HDL
The aim of this project is to design a vending machine using VLSI technology. The designed machine is programmed in VHDL and dumped on FPGA that gives speed response than microcontroller type VM.
VLSI Projects using Xilinx Software
Xilinx Integrated Synthesis Environment is a tool designed for analyzing HDL and synthesizing Xilinx. Its purpose is to develop embedded based firmware for the Xilinx class of CPLD and FPGA IC technology products. They aid developers to compile circuit designs and allow the configuration of the target devices.

VLSI Projects Using Xilinx Software
The list of VLSI projects based on Xilinx software includes the following.
1). Design of TIC TAC TOE Game on Spartan3 Type FPGA using Image Processing
The aim of this project is to design a fun game board called Tic Tac Toe for two players using VHDL. It uses a screen board, LED bulbs, wires, FPGA, sensors, and wires. programmed playing board and FPGA need to be interfaced with the playing board using Xilinx.
2). BPSK Type Implementation on Xilinx System Generator using Spartan3 FPGA Image Processing Kit
The aim of this project is to design BPSK keying modulation type and demodulation type using the Matlab platform. Components used in this project are, FPGA, Matlab, multiplexers, filters such as FIR, and comparators. It is designed on Matlab and generated on SPARTAN.
3). Design QPSK And Synthesizing Its Result
The aim of this project is to design and implement QPSK modulation for satellite based radio applications. This project designs QPSK logic using reverse gate logic executed on Xilinx with VHDL code.
4). Implementation of Bus Based Bridge for Connecting AHB and OCP Bus
The aim of this project is to design a communication bus to connect the other two busses on SOC applications. Components used in this project are SOC, AHB bus, OCP ( Open Core Protocol) bus, and software Xilinx.
5). Design of a Live Traffic Light Based Control System using Xilinx
The aim of this project is to design and implement VLSI code on FPGA for traffic light signals. Components used in this project are FPGA, LED bulbs red, yellow, and green; software Xilinx. The code in this project is written in VHDL
6). Design of OFDM System using IFFT and FFT Transfer Functions
The aim of this project is to design an OFDM system employing FFT and Inverse FFT signal processing on the VLSI platform. This project is written in VHDL coding language and simulated on Xilinx.
7). Floating Point Based Fused Addition, Subtraction, and Fused Dot type Product Units Design
The aim of this project is to design and simulate the parallel operation of floating point type add, subtract, and multiplication type operation using floating type point add, multiplication, and subtract dot product based units in parallel on Xilinx.
8). FPGA Based Mutual Authentication Type Protocol with Modular Arithmetic
Security systems are designed in a smart way they provide access only to authenticators. The aim of this project is to design a higher enhanced protocol for security applications like RFID tags and readers using the VLSI platform programmed in VHDL and simulated on Xilinx.
VLSI Projects using VHDL
A Hardware Description Language (VHDL) is a software program for Very High Speed Integrated Circuit (VHSIC). The purpose of this language is to define the functioning of electronic components on designed circuitry. This language was designed by IEEE and containing VHDL 1987 and 1993 versions for the design of hardware and developing test entities in order to verify hardware behavior.
The list of VLSI projects based on VHDL code includes the following.
1). VGA Type Bouncing Ball Interfacing with Spartan3 Type FPGA for Image Processing Kit
The aim of this project is to design a smart system for VGA on VLSI technology. It uses VGA, bouncing ball, Spartan 3 type FPGA, and connecting wires. The designed hardware programmed using VHDL provides an efficient system with multiple screen pixel display up to WXGA 1280 by 800.
2). Generating PWM Type Signal With Variable Type Duty Cycle on FPGA
The aim of this project is to design and implement a voltage controller PWM using FPGA. Components used in this project are FPGA, PWM signal generator, and software platform VHDL. This system generates a higher value of frequency at the dynamic duty cycle.
3). Implementation of Digital Type Clock with Spartan3an Type FPGA Evaluation Kit
The aim of this project is to design a smart digital clock using VLSI technology. Components used in this project are FPGA, crystal, programming platform VHDL, 2 by 16 LCD, and 50 Hz clock generating circuit. The advantage of this clock is it is portable and displays accurate values.
4). Design of AMBA with AHB BUS Compliant Type Memory Controller
The aim of this project is to design a controller system for controlling CPUs memory containing Read Only Memory and Static Random Access Memory on an AMBA BUS using VLSI technology. This project uses VHDL software for synthesizing results.
5). Design of FPGA based 32-bit Floating Type Point Arithmetic Unit
The aim of this project is to design and implement a floating point number using an arithmetic unit on the VLSI platform. The components used in this technology are FPGA, ALU unit, software code written in VHDL, and also simulated using MAT Lab.
6). Design of a Field Programmable Type CRC Circuit Architecture and Synthesize Architectural Result
The aim of this project is to design and implement a Cyclic type Redundancy Check (CRC) computation circuit using VLSI technology. This project obtains multiple serial processing cells using the matrix method. The components used are FPGA, CRC circuit, and VHDL code.
VLSI Projects using MatLab
Matlab is a software tool designed for performing mathematical and logic calculations such as differentiation, Laplace transform, differential equation, inverse functions, etc. The main purpose of Matlab along with VLSI is to provide solutions for electronic circuits using a causal model type approach.

VLSI Projects using MatLab
The list of VLSI projects based on Matlab code includes the following.
1). Design of Fuzzy Type Logic for a Mobile Robot Controller with VHDL
The aim of this project is to design and program a robot using VLSI technology. This robot is programmed to move objects using fuzzy logic on MATLAB software and later translated into VHDL before implementing on hardware.
2). VLSI Implementation of DWT for Image Compression using VLSI
The aim of this project is to design a discrete type wavelet transform (DWT) algorithm using the VLSI platform for image processing type applications. In this project, code is written simulated, and implemented in VHDL and MATLAB.
List of Other VLSI Projects
The list of other VLSI projects includes the following.
1). 3D Technology Based Lifting of Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT)
The aim of this project is to design an assistant system for high quality image generation system using VLSI technology. It uses a 3D based lifting type filter to generate a discrete wavelet using the VLSI programming language; the advantage is no loss of image quality is observed.
2). Design of Enhance Speed for Hardware Efficient 4-Bit SFQ Type Multiplier
The aim of this VLSI project is to design an advanced version of the conventional type booth encoder. This encoder is designed with a 4-bit SFQ (Single Flux Quantum) multiplier, that provides an enhanced speed and performance for critical type delay applications.
3). Design of Universal Based Cryptography Processor Employed in Smart Cards
The aim of this project is to design a smart universal cryptoprocessor for a card system. This project is designed with the public & private keys using a combination of 3 Data Encryption Standard (DES), Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC).

Design of Universal Based Cryptography Processor Employed in Smart Cards
4). Design of An Enhanced Speed and Minimum Power Multiplier with Spurious Type Power Suppression Technique (SPST)
The aim of this project is to design a system to remove spurious signals from the arithmetic unit using a spurious power type suppression method. A multiplier component operating at a greater velocity consumes less power during data communication with the target location.
5). Design of A Lossless Based Data Compression and Decompression Method and Its Hardware Architecture
The aim of this project is to design an architecture for a 2 stage hardware using an Adaptive Huffman algorithm and Parallel dictionary type LZW algorithm (PDLZW). This project mainly focuses on lossless data decompression and compression applications.
6). Design of Minimum Complexity Turbo Type Decoder Architecture Employed in Energy-Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks
The aim of this project is to design a smart power conservation system during wireless communication over a WSN network. This minimizes the power of the LUT type Log BCJJR type algorithm during communication over WSN into a fundamental ADD Compare Select operation.
7). Design of Optimal VLSI Based Architecture to Filter Impulse Type Noise in Image
The aim of this project is to design a noise filtering system for an image processing application. This project is implemented on a VLSI architecture with an edge type preserving filter. This project benefits in terms of image quality.
8). Design of Processor In Type Memory Architecture for Image and Video Compression System
The aim of this project is to design a system with minimum complex processor-in & a memory architecture to aid multimedia applications for compressing the size on applying instructions in a word, one instruction, and other image and video-related data concepts.
9). Design of Symbol Type Rate Timing Synchronization Procedure for Minimum Power Wireless OFDM Systems
The aim of this project is to design a performance enhancing system for a wireless type OFDM system. This method achieves less power consumption via a dynamic type sample timing type controller and a tunable type clock based generator.
10). Bluetooth Technology Based Wireless Type Home Automation System
The aim of this project is to program an FPGA to control home appliances using a mobile phone. Components used in this project are Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), lights sensors, and mobile phones. It saves electric power and provides remote users access via mobile.
11). Design of Automation ARM Controller on FPGA
The aim of this project is to design an arm that is controlled using FPGA. It uses Spartab3an, FPGA, mechanical arm, objects, and connectors. FPGA is programmed to move the robot arm and pic the objects. Such kind of robotic arm project is suitable for industrial repetitive tasks.
12). Cloud Technology Based Temperature Monitoring System
The aim of this project is to design a smart temperature monitoring system using VLSI technology. It uses Spartan3an FPGA, Wi-Fi technology, and internet cloud services. Spartan3an broadcast the live temperature status over the internet and stockpiles the data over the cloud.
13). Design of Multiple Channel for UART on FPGA
The aim of this project is to design a multi type channel UART based controller depending on the asynchronous FIFO method with FPGA for scaling and re-configuring the communicating device when required. It uses FPGA Spartan3an and a complex type communication system.
14). Design of Linear Type and Morphological Type Image Filtering with FPGA Image Processing Kit
The aim of the project is to use real-time algorithms such as 2D type morphological and convolution based filters for showcasing image processes for multiple applications. It uses Spartan3 type FPGA, VLSI technology, an image processing module, and connecting wires.
15). Design of PGA Implementation for Distance Measurement using Ultrasonic Sensor on FPGA
Aim of this project is to design smart distance object tracking systems using VLSI technology. It uses an ultrasonic type sensor, Spartan 3FPGA board, a display system, and an alarm. The automation system tracks object and sends to Spartan3 which and displays on the screen.
16). Design of Booth Type Multiplier on Spartan6 FPGA Board
The aim of this project is to design an enhanced version of a multiplier to improve the performance of digital signal processors in terms of speed and area. Components used in this project are Multiplier & Accumulator of Radix 4, Booth type multiplier algorithm, Spartan6 FPGA, and DSP processor.
17). Lifting Type Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) on Spartan3 FPGA with Image Processing Kit
The aim of this project is to design lifting type Discrete based Wavelet Transform for discarding Finite Impulsive type Response with finite based continuous filtering steps. This project is implemented on 1 D and 2D technology.
18). Design of Tetrix Type Game on Spartan3 FPGA with Image Processing Kit
The aim of this project is to design an object detection system using FPGA. It uses a space communication system, antenna, Spartan 3, and display system. This system detects if there is any object in the direction of the antenna and shifts the angle in direction of obstacle free.
19). Design of Medical Based Image Fusion on Spartan 3 Type FPGA
The aim of this project is to design a smart image generation system for medical purposes using MAT LAB. This replaces MRI and CT scanning medical device that generates images with noise and disturbances. It uses Spartan3 FPGA, VB software, MAT Lab, and XPS software.
20). Design of Median Type Filter Implementation on Spartan3 Type FPGA with Image Processing Kit
The aim of this project is to design a system to eliminate noise from the image processing system. Components used in this project are median filter, Spartan 3 FPGA, processor kit for image, and a software name 3 by 3 sliding window algorithm.
21). Design of Sobal Edge Detection using Spartan3 Type FPGA
The aim of this project is to design a Sobel edge type detection algorithm for detecting image pixels within a second. Components used in this project are FPGA XC3S200 – 4tq144, Sobel algorithm, Matlab platform, and display system. This system processes 128 by 128 by 8 pixels of grayscale based images.
22). FPGA Implementation of Keyboard Learner using Spartan3 FPGA Image processing Kit
The aim of this project is to design a smart keyboard system using VLSI technology. In this user mainly focus on the screen rather than the keyboard that is when a user types half a word the software displays nearby keywords on the screen and automatically updates the full word based on the movement of the user’s eyes on the screen.
23). Design of PIR Type Security Alert System on Spartan 3an Based FPGA Starter Kit
The aim of this project is to design a smart security system using VLSI technology. The components used in this project are a PIR sensor that detects the motion of a nearby object in a restricted zone, a camera, an FPGA module “Spartan 3”, and a screen. This project allows access entry only to a legitimate user.
24). Design of AES Encryption Algorithm on Spartan6 Type FPGA
The aim of this project is to design highly secure communication over the internet using AES on the VLSI platform. The components used in this project are Spartan 6 FPGA, software platform VHDL, and AES algorithm. The advantage of this project is it provides high security and consumes less power.
25). Design of Wireless Type Temperature Monitoring System using Spartan3an Type FPGA on Starter Kit for Agriculture Application
The aim of this project is to design a temperature monitoring system for agriculture using VLSI technology. The components used in this project are a temperature sensor, FPGA kit, programming platform VHDL, and agriculture land.
26). Design of Enhance Throughput Based VLSI Architecture for Blackman Windowing in Real Time Spectral Analysis
The aim of this project is to design a smart system to generate maximum throughput on the VLSI platform. This project uses Black man windowing instead of using processors such as DSP or ROM. This project is designed using the VHDL programming language.
27). Approximate Based Search CAM for DNA Sequencing and Genome Analysis
The aim of this project is to design and implement a smart system that detects COVID mutant through COVID affected person DNA on VLSI technology. Components used in this project are the VHDL programming platform, DNA sample from a patient, FPGA, and report tracking system.
28). Design of Hardware for Video Type Processing Superblock Based Accelerator
The aim of this project is to design a high speed video processor for real-time based video stream. This system undergoes three stages namely Alpha blending, polynomial transformation, and low pass filtering. The advantage of this project is it provides noise free video quality.
29). Design of Collision Less Robot Processor on VLSI and RFID Technology
The aim of this project is to design an algorithm for aiding robots to walk without colliding with other robots or obstacles in their environment on VLSI technology. Components used in this technology are RFID reader and RFID card, VHDL, processor, and objects.
30). Design of Adiabatic Based Technique for Power-Efficient Logic Circuit Design
A CMOS circuit is built with multiple gates such as NOR and NAND combinations but these circuits have higher power consumption faction. The aim of this project is to replace the CMOS circuit and design advance enhanced logic type circuits using the adiabatic type technique for minimizing and reusing power.
31). Design of Advanced Encryption System (AES) for Improving System Computing Speed
AES provides high encryption of data over digital communication. The aim of this project is to design and implement an AES encryption algorithm on an FPGA board and simulate it in VHDL software. The advantage of this project is it enhances the encryption factor with high-speed communication.
32). Design of AMBA with Advanced High-Performance Bus (AHB) with IP Block
The aim of this project is to design Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture (AMBA) with additional bus AHB using VLSI technology. This project is implemented with slave–master modules. Where master is programmed to control their slave’s components.
33). A Multichannel with Multimode RF Type Transceiver using DSM
The aim of this project is to implement RF type multi-channel emitter and collector working in multi-mode via delta type sigma modulator. Components used in this project are VHDL, Delta Sigma type modulator, and RF channel with communicating components.
34). Asynchronous Type Transfer Mode Based Knockout Switch Concentrator
The aim of this project is to design and implement a networking class switch for datagram and virtual type circuit packet network on VLSI technology. Components used are concentrator of asynchronous type transfers knockout switch, the software platform on VHDL and FPGA.
35). Design of Behavioral Synthesis for Asynchronous Type Circuits
The aim of this project is to design and implement asynchronous type circuits and balsa module templates using the VLSI platform. This project synthesis circuit results in behavioral mode.
36). Implementation of Carrying Type Tree Adder
The aim of this project is to design enhance versions of adders such as parallel prefix adders using VLSI technology to minimize power. This project also synthesizes types of carrying tree adders such as sparse kogge-stone, spanning type tree, and kogge type stone adder.
37). Fixed Angle of Rotation using CORDIC Designs
The aim of this project is to design and implement rotating vectors on coordinate rotation type digital based computer method via at stationary and using reference angles. This project is used in applications like image processing, games, and robotics.
38). Design of an SOC Based Permutation Network on a Multiprocessor
The aim of this project is to control traffic on multiprocessor SOC based applications using VLSI technology. This project is mainly designed for real time based applications for providing enhanced device performance of IP communication.
39). Design of VLSI Based Architecture for Visible Type Watermarking on Secure Still Digital Camera (S2DC) Design
The aim of this project is to design and implement a smart chip for a digital camera using VLSI technology. The purpose of this chip in a digital camera is to develop watermarking on images. Components used are the S2DC camera, chip, and VHDL software.
40). Design of Efficient Systolic Type Array Architecture on VLSI
The aim of this project is to design and implement a systolic type array multiplier using the VLSI platform. This designed multiplier can be further used as a binary multiplier to compute binary type multiplications. Components used are FPGA and code written in VHDL.
41). Design of Multi Type Value Logic With Quantum Dot Gate Type FET
The aim of this project is to design and implement a smart 3 stages quantum Dot based Gate FET circuit to handle an increase in a logic bit in logic circuits. This project is used in applications such as decoders and Op-Amps.
42). Design of FFT Type Processor Using Radix-4 Algorithm on FPGA
The aim of this project is to design and synthesize processors for Orthogonal Frequency type Division Multiplexer (OFDM) and wireless LAN networks in the VLSI platform. This project synthesize a 256 point FFT type processor of Radix 4 in VHDL coding language.
43). Design of 32 Â bit type RISC Processor using VLSI
The aim of this project is to design a 32 bit RISC based architecture on the VLSI platform. This project divides into 16 sets of instructions and executes every instruction in a single cycle with a 5 stage parallel execution method.
44). Design of VHDL Based Model for a Smart Sensor System
A sensor is a device that senses the physical parameter within its environment. The aim of this project is to design a program for a sensor for canceling the noise generated from the sensor on the VLSI platform. This project is designed in the VHDL language.
45). Fuzzy Type PID Controller with VHDL for Transportation Application of OSI
The aim of this project is to design a smart anti-collision system for vehicles using Fuzzy logic on the VLSI platform. This project uses a PDI type controller with a cruise system to prevent accidents in vehicles. A fuzzy algorithm is developed using VHDL.
46). Design of Control Area Network Protocol on VLSI
The aim of this project is to design an Eight A to Eleven type modulation technique for a CAN protocol on the VLSI platform. This modulation technique overcomes the drawback of the conventional Software Bit Stuffing type technique. Software code in this project is written in VHDL.
47). Design of DMA Controller for AMBA Type Bus For IP Core
The aim of this project is to design a smart DMA controller for SOC based satellite applications using the VLSI platform. This project designs a DMA controller for satellite using VHDL code for faster and noise free communication.
48). Enhanced Precision Stepper Type Motor Controller Implementation on FPGA
The aim of this project is to design a controller for the stepper motor on the VLSI platform. The stepper motor on FPGA in this project is controlled on programming PWM technique using VHDL software language.
49). Modeling and Design of I2C Type Bus Controller
The aim of this is to mode the I2C bus on a VLSI software platform. Here in this project I2C wok on master and slave architecture. Where code is written in VHDL language to control master and slave.
50). Design of CPLD Type Solar Based Power Saving System
The aim of this project is to design a CPLD for street lights using solar energy and VLSI technology. In this project Complex, Programmable Logic Device (CPLD) traps sufficient solar energy and chargers the battery, and turns on the street light during night time.
51). Design of Digital Space Vector on PWM Three Phase Based Voltage Source Inverter on FPGA
The aim of this project is to design and implement code for a smart voltage type source inverter (VSI) using VLSI technology. Components used in this project are FPGA, VSI, DSVPWM controller of 3 phase, and motor driver. This project is designed using the VHDL software language.
52). Design of Performance-Based Evaluation for Complex Type Multiplier with Advance Algorithm
The aim of this project is to design a system for evaluating complex mathematic Vedic multiplier operations using the VLSI platform. In this project, a 4 bit type multiplication using both Vedic and booth algorithms are simulated in the VHDL language.
53). A Highly linear Type CMOS Gm-C Low Pass Filter in Mobile Communication
The aim of this project is to design an operational transconductance type amplifier (OTA) of the Butterworth filter. The advantage of this project is it provides a medium free communication receiver.
54). Design of High Throughput Based DCT Core Design with Efficient Computation Mechanism
The aim of this project is to design an efficient hardware for image compression type application using Discrete type cosine transform based algorithm on VLSI technology. Components used in this project are FPGA, image processor, image processor, and software coded in VHDL.
55). Design of Low Power Based QVCO with Adiabatic Logic
The aim of this project is to design a control system for minimizing power factor in quadrature based voltage type controlled oscillator using Adiabatic logic on the VLSI platform. Components used in this project are CMOS machine with 0.18 radio frequency, QVCO, FPGA, and program coded in VHDL.
56). Design of Low Power Type Adaptive Viterbi Decoder Design with Trellis Type Coded Modulation
The aim of this project is to design and implement a system to minimize corruption of data during data communication in channels that use modulation techniques using the Viterbi decoder algorithm and VLSI platform for trellis coded modulation.
57). Enhancement of the Orthogonal Based Code Convolution Capabilities on FPGA Implementation
The aim of this project is to design an error type detection system for data communication using VLSI technology. It uses FPGA for executing OCC in the VHDL programming language. This project overcomes limitations of 16 bit and 8 bit orthogonal type code.
58). Design of Non-Volatile Type Memory Based On Improved Writing Circuit using STT-MRAM Technique
The aim of this project is to design and implement spin based transfer torque with a Magnetic class of flip flop for non volatile memory such as STT- MRAM using VLSI technology. This project minimizes area occupied and power consumption compared to SRAM.
59). Address Remapping Technique using Arithmetic Functions and ROM Based Approximation Approaches
The aim of this project is to design a system for speed ROM access using VLSI technology. This can be possible by non uniformly partitioning and minimizing ROM size and later used for remapping. The code for this project is written in VHDL.
60). Design of Flip-Flops for Enhanced Performance VLSI Based Applications with Deep Submicron CMOS Technology
The aim of this project is to design an optimized power and high speed system for digital communication and components applications such as buffers and microprocessors. This project uses flip flops such as TSPC, C2CMOS, DET, and SET.
61). Design of Low Power Based H.264 Video Compression Type Architecture for Mobile Communication
The aim of this project is to design an optimized system for minimizing access to memory and cost of computation of variable type block size motion estimation (VBSME) through pixel truncation with maintain good picture quality and minimizing power consumption.
62). Design of Improved Scan Technique in Low Power Scan Testing
The aim of this project is to design an architecture for capturing the shift response of a flip flop using VLSI technology in less power. This project mainly focuses on capture and peak test power.
63). Design of Space-Based Exploration Field Type Programmable Counter
The aim of this project is to design a smart exploration system in terms of area for the FPGA controller. This project is programmed in VHDL and executed on Altera Stratix II FPGA Architecture. This project minimizes in terms of optimizing area for each component on FPGA.
64). Design of Power Gating Implementation for Noise Filtration with Body Tied Triple Well Structure
The aim of this project is to design a chip of 65 nm for removing disturbances with object tied structure in triple well using power type grating technique. The quality obtained from this project is 95 percent noise-free.
65). VHDL Based Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (UART)
The aim of this project is to design UART in VLSI technology for detecting errors and activating baud generation. This project detects errors in terms of overflow, stop, break, and parity error.
66). Design of 3GPP Based LTE Advance Turbo Encoder and Turbo Decoder with ASIC Implementation
The aim of this project is to design efficient architecture for 3GPP LTE of the Advance Turbo version of encoder and decoder on the VLSI platform. This architecture is implemented with a convolution type interleaved programmed in VHDL.
67). Design of Low Power Based Multiplier with Compound Constant Delay Logic Style
The aim of this project is to design a comparator system with an optimized power factor using VLSI technology. Designed systems facilitate comparison results between various multipliers such as Baugh Wooley, Wallace tree, and array. It is programmed in VHDL.
68). Design of Flash-Based ADC using Improved Comparator Scheme
The aim of this project is to overcome the drawback of power consumption in a traditional comparator. This project designs flash type ADC on the VLSI platform using a combination of MUX, comparator, and ladder resistor network.
69). Enhanced Performance-Based Flash Storage Type System Based on Virtual Memory and Write Buffer
The aim of this project is to improve the performance of flash storage while performing read and write operations. This project is written in VHDL code.
70). An Effective Type Leading Zero Anticipation for High Speed Floating Point Addition and Subtraction
The aim of this project is to design a Leading Zero Anticipation logic on the VLSI platform for providing enhance the speed of a floating-point subtraction and addition operation and addition operation. This project is used in DSP, CISC, RISC, and other microprocessor applications.
71). FPGA Based Implementation of an LFSR for Pseudorandom Pattern Generator for MEMS Testing
The aim of this project is to design an LFSR type pseudorandom type pattern generator using a mixed type mode bade modeling technique in a modular fashion in VLSI technology. This project programs code in VHDL and executes on FPGA.
72). Power Optimization of Linear Based Feedback Shift Register (LFSR) for Minimum Power BIST Implemented in HDL
The aim of this project is to design an LFSR for a Built-in self-test application, using the VLSI platform. The advantage of this project is it minimizes the amount of power consumed. This project is programmed using the VHDL language.
73). Design of FM Radio Receiver on Digital Type Demodulation
The aim of this project is to design a frequency modulation receiver using VLSI technology. This receiver is designed using a phase lock loop process, programmed in VHDL, and executed on an FPGA.
74). Implementation of Enhanced Speed Pipeline Based VLSI Architectures
The aim of this project is to efficient architecture that computes one and two dimensions discrete type wavelets using VLSI. This project benefits in terms of reducing speed, frequency of operation, and clock cycles.
75). Design of Phase, Frequency Detector, and Charge Pump for Enhanced Frequency PLL
The aim of this project is to design a charger and frequency type detector on VLSI technology. This project designs the detector and pump using the CMOS process used to enhance speed and less power consumed low jitter type applications.
76). Design of Cache Type Memory using Cache Based Controller on VHDL
The cache is a computer memory used for temporary storage and provides fast memory access. The aim of this project is to design a controller and detector system for tracking and identifying missed cache using the VLSI platform. This project is programmed using VHDL.
77). Design for Prepaid Based Electricity Billing System using SOC
The aim of this project is to design a smart electric power bill generator using the VLSI platform. This project is mainly implemented on ASIC and simulated in VHDL. This system automatically tracks the power consumed and generates bills per Watt’s consumption.
78). Enhanced Speed Network Based Devices Employed with SRL16 Reconfigurable Content Addressable Memory (RCAM)
The aim of this project is to design an SRL 16 type content based CAM unit using VLSI technology on FPGA. The advantage of this project is it overcomes the drawback of traditional type CAM providing enhance concurrent and speed data search capability.
79). Design of IP-SRAM Based Architecture for Deep Submicron on CMOS Technology
The aim of this project is to design an SRAM amalgamated with IP-SRAM architecture of 180nm technology using the VLSI platform. The advantage of this system is it minimizes the power consumed by integrated components in the circuit.
80). Design of Glitch free NAND based Digitally Controlled Delay Line for Spread Spectrum Clock Generator
Aim of this project is to overcome the drawback of NAND gate which regularly faces glitch issue during operation by using digital control delay line for spread type spectrum of clock based generator on VLSI platform.
81). Design of Performance Analysis of Different Bit Carry Look Ahead Adder using VHDL Environment
The aim of this project is to develop, test, and execute various carry look type ahead adders using the VLSI platform. In this project, the CLA used are 4-bit, 8-bit and 16-bit adders programmed in VHDL and simulated on Modelsim.
82). Design of Enhanced speed VLSI Implementation for 256-bit Parallel Prefix Type Adders
The aim of this project is to design and implement 256 bit based parallel type prefix adders using the VLSI platform. This adder is programmed in VHDL and executed on Spartan FPGA.
83). Design of Data Link Layer of OSI with Wi-Fi MAC Protocols
The aim of this project is to design a Wi-Fi device of IEEE 802.11 using VLSI technology. This device is programmed in VHDL and is employed for connecting various wireless communication devices such as laptops, computers, and mobile phones.
84). Implementation of Overlap Type Logic Cell with Power Analysis Feature
The aim of this project is to over the static power factor limitation of CMOS by employing a clock type overlap logic using the VLSI platform. This project designs both static and dynamic type edge type triggered overlap based logic flip-flip.
85). 3D Technology-Based Lifting of Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT)
The aim of this project is to design an assistant system for high quality image generation system using VLSI technology. It uses a 3D based lifting type filter to generate a discrete wavelet using the VLSI programming language; the advantage is no loss of image quality is observed.
86). Design of Enhance Speed for Hardware Efficient 4-Bit SFQ Type Multiplier
The aim of this VLSI project is to design an advanced version of the conventional type booth encoder. This encoder is designed with a 4-bit SFQ (Single Flux Quantum) multiplier, that provides an enhanced speed and performance for critical type delay applications.
87). Multi-Channel UART using FPGA
The aim of this project is to simplify the complexity of modern communication digital systems using VLSI technology. This project executes asynchronous type FIFO processes on FPGA. This project benefits in terms of reducing the synchronization based errors.
88). Satellite Signal Detection Design on Spartan3 FPGA Image Processing Kit
The aim of this project is to design a smart system for tracking maximum satellite signals using VLSI technology. This system aligns the satellite in the direction of obstacle fee direction and traps the maximum signal to its receiving antenna. It uses Spartan3an FPGA.
89). Design of Image Fusion System using FPGA
The aim of this project is to design a smart image fusion system for X-rays using VLSI and Matlab technology. This system considers the original image and is translates the image into pixel form using Matlab. Xilinx is used for obtaining fused type images.
90). VGA Based Ball Interface using FPGA For Image Processing
The aim of this project is to design a VGA based monitor control hardware using VLSI technology. in this system program for monitoring the bouncing ball is written in VHDL and executed on Spartan3 FPGA, once the system is activated the ball glows with specified different colors.
91). Hardware Acceleration Based Local Sensitivity Hashing for Genome Assembly
The aim of this project is to enhance the technique of easily identifying DNA in the medical industry using VLSI technology. This project considers DNA from living organisms and fragments into smaller portions and detects the DNA sequencing pattern quickly produces DNA blueprint.
92). Hardware-Based Implementation of a Video Type Processing Superblock Accelerator on FPGA
The aim of this project is to design a smart video processing system that considers data in form of raw video and processes each received unit using VLSI technology. This project uses alpha based blending technique.
93). DNA Memory Enhancement using Signal Processing
Aim of this project is to design a smart memory system that stores vast details of DNA in database using VLSI technology. This project benefits in terms of allowing the concerned research team members in reviewing the specific DNA details with one click.
94). Identifying of Hardware Trojan Horses
Trojans are Malwares that reside inside a system to corrupt system and prevent user from accessing and allow online thief to gain access to computer remotely. The aim of this project is to identify the installed Malware such as Trojans on a computer or a laptop system using VLSI technology.
95). Router Based Architecture for Junction Based Source Routing
The aim of this project is to design a smart router that bridges routing sources using the VLSI platform. Programming for the router is written in VHDL and executed on Altera based FPGA. The advantage of this project is it minimizes the delay factor and works efficiently.
Advantages of VLSI
The advantages of VLSI projects include the following.
1). Cost-effective
2). Improves circuit performance
3). Occupies less space
4). Minimizes time delay
5). Works efficiently.
Disadvantages of VLSI
The disadvantages of VLSI projects include the following.
1). Design complexity
2). Advance fabrication techniques required
3). Minimum availability of VLSI skilled engineers
4). Glitches in one component may affect other interface components.
Applications of VLSI
The application of the VLSI projects includes the following.
1). Microprocessors
2). Washing machines
3). Biometric systems
4). E-bikes
5). Mobile phones
6). Laptops, etc.
Few of the Other VLSI Project Ideas Are
1). Design of Comparator for High Speed on VLSI platform
2). VLSI based Converter design for Binary Code to Grey Code
3). Design of Digital Type Filter
4). Clock Based Gating System on VLSI
5). Design of Vedic Type Multiplier
6). CMOS Based FF Design using VLSI
7). Design of Parallel Type Processor Architecture on VLSI
8). Design of Full Adder on VLSI
9). Designing of Dynamic Type RAM using VLSI
10). Design of SRAM Based Layout on VLSI
VLSI Projects using MATLAB & Xilinx Software
The list of VLSI Projects based on MATLAB and VLSI Projects using Xilinx includes the following.
1). Designing of CDMA Based Modem & Analysis using MATLAB
2). Designing of FIR Type Filter with VHDL on MATLAB and Spartan 3
3). Designing of ModelSim & Matlab for Automotive Engineering
4). Designing Ripple Carry type Adder & Carry Skip type Adder using Xilinx
5). Designing of 32-bit Floating type Point Arithmetic Unit referring
6). Designing of Floating-Point on ALU
7). Designing of 32-bit type RISC Processor
8). Designing of Convolution Capabilities for Orthogonal Type Code
9). Design of Vending Based Machine (VM) on Xilinx and Verilog
10). Design of Parallel Prefix Adders of 256-bit using Xilinx
IEEE Projects
Following is the list of IEEE VLSI Projects.
1). VLSI Using Wireless Type Home Based Automation System via Bluetooth
2). Designing of VLSI based Architecture for Filtering of Impulse Type Noise from an Image
3). Design of Architecture for a Processor Inside A Memory Employed with Multimedia Compression Technique
4). Design Temperature Monitoring System with Cloud & IoT Platform
5). Design of OFDM Type System using IFF transform and FF Transform method
6). Design of Hamming Type Code & Implementing in Verilog
7). Design of VHDL type Finger Print Recognition aided Gabor Filter
8). Arithmetic Type Functions For Remapping with ROM Memory Based on Approximation Approaches
9). Design of FFT type Architectures using Feedforward Type Pipelined of Radix-2k
10). Design of Flip-Flops on CMOS Technology for Enhance Performance-Based VLSI Applications
Real-Time Projects
Following is the list of other real-time VLSI-based projects using VHDL code for electronics students.
1). Pragmatic Type SRAM Row Based Cache integration using Heterogeneous Based three dimensional Architecture using DRAM with TSV
2). Design of BIST for Identifying Delay and Faults in an Cluster type Field Programmable Gate Arrays
3). ASIC Design for Complex type Multiplier
4). Implementation of a Minimal Cost VLSI based filter out Impulse Noise System
5). FPGA with Space Type Vector-Based PWM Control Integrated Circuit For 3 Phase Induction type Motor Drive
6). CORDIC Algorithm and Auto Correlator implementation for OFDM type WLAN using VLSI
7). Automatic Road Based Extraction Using enhance Resolution For Satellite Quality Images
8). Design of Image-Based Segmentation Procedure with Gabor Filter for Identifying Disease in VHDL
9). Design Architecture of Minimal Complexity Turbo Based Decoder for Power-Efficient Wireless Type Sensor Networks
10). Design of enhanced Orthogonal Based Code Convolution Function on FPGA
Please refer to this link to know more about Solar Projects.
Please refer to this link to know more about CMOS and NMOS Technology.
This article covers VLSI projects list and its design, implementation, and simulation using Xilinx, VHDL, and MATLAB software and also dumped using different versions of FPGA hardware. VLSI projects always an evergreen technology that guides students and researchers to get a deep and thorough knowledge on IC technology and design more advanced equipment and more. We hope you have drawn a better brief knowledge VLSI mentioned projects list. Kindly provide your valuable suggestion by commenting in the comment box. A question for you all, “What are the different types of FPGA’s and their applications?”