SA voice recording module is an electronic device that records & playback audio. So some modules include a microphone & speaker which records multiple messages up to 20 seconds. This module reproduces natural and high-quality audio and voice from the recorded audio through a Mic. The voice recording module capacity mainly depends on its model which ranges from 8 seconds to 64 seconds (or) 1 GB. There are different types of voice recording modules available in the market from other … [Read more...]
Thermal Sensor : Working, Types, Interface with Arduino & Its Applications
Most of the electronic & electrical components are rated to work in certain temperature ranges. But, the performance of these components can get reduced once the temperature increases from a specified range. Once the temperature crosses the maximum acceptable limit, then components will get damaged because of thermal runaway or heating. So, thermal characteristics play an essential role when selecting different components for electronic circuits. Thermal sensors are used for maintaining … [Read more...]
MQ2 Arduino Gas Sensor : Pin Configuration & Its Working
Today, sensors play a key role in the security of various apartments, houses, and offices by detecting fire, smoke, or gas with an alarm function. The MQ2 gas sensors are widely used in smoke and gas detection. This sensor can detect smoke, and harmful gases like alcohol, LPG, propane, methane, hydrogen, and carbon monoxide. It is used in various applications such as air quality monitoring systems, smoke detectors, fire detection systems, breath checkers, etc. This article explains the … [Read more...]
Arduino Projects for Engineering Students
An Arduino is a development board designed with a combination of both hardware and software with open source access. Arduino projects were firstly started at Interaction Design Institute Ivrea (IDII). The board consists of a microcontroller with is pre-programmed and an integrated development environment (IDE). This IDE helps in writing the code and dumping it on the hardware board. These boards are employed in a various electronic appliance that communicates with other technologies such as IoT, … [Read more...]
What is LCD 16X2 : Pin Configuration & Its Working
In LCD 16x2, the term LCD stands for Liquid Crystal Display that uses a plane panel display technology, used in screens of computer monitors & TVs, smartphones, tablets, mobile devices, etc. Both the displays like LCD & CRTs look the same but their operation is different. Instead of electrons diffraction at a glass display, a liquid crystal display has a backlight that provides light to each pixel that is arranged in a rectangular network. Every pixel includes a blue, red, green … [Read more...]
Arduino Technology Architecture and Its Advantages
An Arduino board is a one type of microcontroller based kit. The first Arduino technology was developed in the year 2005 by David Cuartielles and Massimo Banzi. The designers thought to provide easy and low cost board for students, hobbyists and professionals to build devices. Arduino board can be purchased from the seller or directly we can make at home using various basic components. The best examples of Arduino for beginners and hobbyists includes motor detectors and thermostats, and … [Read more...]
What is Arduino Sensor : Types, Working and Applications
An electronic device that senses and responds quickly to physical changes such as distance, pressure, temperature, touch can be referred to as sensors. These are used commercially in various products for temperature monitoring, alarming circuits, and in the Home automation kits, etc... In the practical world, where the motive is to design a user-friendly environment such that various devices information can be controlled, sent, and monitored. This is made possible when the multiple sensors are … [Read more...]
Piezoelectric Sensor and Its Operation
In this digitized world, most of mankind's life turns around sensors and sensors hold a prominent role in our lives. Making every activity as automatic, one can find multiple kinds of sensors in their workstation, home, car and in many other places. So, let’s start with the definition of what sensor means to and how it created a great impact on the lives of mankind ? Sensors are the devices where those receive input signals and provides an output in correspondence with the physical change. The … [Read more...]
Arduino Uno Board with Real-Time Application Projects
Arduino is a single-board microcontroller meant to make the application more accessible which are interactive objects and its surroundings. The hardware features with an open-source hardware board designed around an 8-bit Atmel AVR microcontroller or a 32-bit Atmel ARM. Current models consists a USB interface, 6 analog input pins and 14 digital I/O pins that allows the user to attach various extension boards. … [Read more...]