80386 Microprocessor Question & Answers December 29, 2022 By WatElectronics This article lists 100 80386 Microprocessor MCQs for engineering students. All the 80386 Microprocessor Questions & Answers given below include a hint and a link wherever possible to the relevant topic. This is helpful for users who are preparing for their exams, interviews, or professionals who would like to brush up on the fundamentals of the 80386 Microprocessor. The internal architecture of the 80386 microprocessor is divided into CPU, memory management unit, and bus interface unit sections. The central processing unit section is further divided into instruction and execution units. The execution unit has eight special purpose and eight general purpose registers, which are either used for handling data or calculating offset addresses. The 80386 microprocessor supports global, interrupt, local, and task state segment descriptors. The 80386DX 8/16/32 bit data operands have 32-bit internal registers and 32-bit non-multiplexed address buses. The 80386DX supports a physical address of 4GB, a virtual address of 64 TB, and a maximum segment size of 4GB. The 80386 was introduced in 1985 and it operates in three different modes such as real, protected, and virtual modes. Multitasking, memory management, protection, input/output, initialization, debugging, exceptions and interrupts, processing, and multiprocessing are the 80386 architecture system-level features. The protection in the 80386 microprocessor has five aspects such as type checking, limit checking, restriction of the addressable domain, restriction of the addressable domain, instruction, and also restriction of procedure entry points. The 80386 allows output/input to be performed in either of two ways such as specific I/O instruction or using general-purpose operand manipulation instructions. 1). What is the standard form of LDTR? Local Descriptor Table Register Local Descriptor Table Regulator Local Design Table Register None of the above None Hint 2). In 80386 DX processor the data bus consists of _________________ pins? 16 pins 8 pins 32 pins 64 pins None Hint 3). Which one of the following segment registers holds the base address of the currently active code segment? Data segment Extra segment Code segment None of the above None Hint 4). The auxiliary carry flag comes under _______________ register? Control flags Status flags System flags None of the above None Hint 5). The register size of 80386 microprocessor is __________________ bit? 32 bits 16 bits 64 bits 4 bits None Hint 6). Which one of the following holds address or data information? ALU Flag register General purpose registers None of the above None Hint 7). In which year, the 80386 microprocessor was introduced? 1999 1989 1789 1985 None Hint 8). How many instruction prefixes does 80386 microprocessors has? Two Four Six Seven None Hint 9). Which one of the following is an implicit operand? AAM XCHG EAX EBX None Hint 10). What is the standard form of GDTR? Global Descriptor Table Register Global Descriptor Table Regulator Global Design Table Register None of the above None Hint 11). Which one of the following is an 80386-microprocessor architecture system level features? Input/output Multitasking Debugging All of the above None Hint 12). To perform the transaction, the processors use _____________ data structures? Selectors Descriptors Both a and b None of the above None Hint 13). The protection in 80386 microprocessors has _________________ aspects? Type checking Restriction of instruction set Limit checking All of the above None Hint 14). What is the standard form of RPL? Requestors Procedural Level Requestors Privilege Level Requestors Priority Level None of the above None Hint 15). The address bus of 80386 DX microprocessor is __________________ bit? 32 bits 16 bits 64 bits 4 bits None Hint 16). How many kinds of gate descriptors are there? Two One Three Four None Hint 17). Which one of the following instructions used for system control? Sensitive Privileged Both a and b None of the above None Hint 18). The paging unit comes under ___________________ section? Central processing unit Memory management Bus interface unit None of the above None Hint 19). Which one of the following units comes under central processing unit section? Instruction Paging Segmentation None of the above None Hint 20). What is the standard form of IDTR? Interrupt Descriptor Table Register Interrupt Descriptor Table Regulator Interrupt Design Table Register None of the above None Hint 21). The 80386 has 32 bits register in the _______________ category? General purpose register Segment register Instruction pointers and flags All of the above None Hint 22). What is the standard form of TLB? Translation Line Buffer Time Lookaside Buffer Translation Lookaside Buffer None of the above None Hint 23). Which one of the following comes under conditional flag? IOPL Auxiliary flag Trap flag None of the above None Hint 24). Which one of the following isa 32-bit index register? SI BP ESI None of the above None Hint 25). The data bus of 80386 DX microprocessor is __________________ bit? 32 bits 16 bits 64 bits 4 bits None Hint 80386 Microprocessor MCQ for Exams 26). What is the standard form of CPL? Common Procedural Level Current Privilege Level Common Priority Level None of the above None Hint 27). Which one of the following registers holds the destination data offset in an operation using a memory block? ESI EBP EDI ESP None Hint 28). The chip of 80386 microprocessor contains ____________________ pins? 64 pins 132 pins 70 pins 40 pins None Hint 29). Which one of the following is a 16-bit pointer register? SI DI Both and b None of the above None Hint 30). What is the standard form of TR? Table Register Task Regulator Task Register None of the above None Hint 31). What is the standard form of PVAM? Personal Virtual Address Mode Protected Virtual Address Mode Practical Virtual Address Mode None of the above None Hint 32). The memory addressing is up to 1MB physical memory in __________________ mode of 80386 microprocessor? Real mode Protected mode Both a and b None of the above None Hint 33). The memory protection mechanism is available in ________________ mode of 80386 microprocessor? Real mode Protected mode Both a and b None of the above None Hint 34). In which one of the following modes of 80386 microprocessor, the segment descriptor cache is not available? Real mode Protected mode Both a and b None of the above None Hint 35). The addressable memory of 80386 DX microprocessor is __________________ GB? 1 GB 4 GB 64 GB 8 GB None Hint 36). The addressable memory of 80386 DX microprocessor is greater than 8086 microprocessors Move with Sign Extension Move with Zero Sign Extension Move with Sign Zero Extension None of the above None Hint 37). Which one of the following is a 16-bit register? LDTR GDTR IDTR None of the above None Hint 38). The figure shown below is a block diagram of _________________ microprocessor? 8086 80286 80386 None of the above None Hint 39). In how many modes 80386DX microprocessor operates? Two Three Six Four None Hint 40). Which one of the following segment registers holds the address of currently active data segment? Data segment Extra segment Code segment None of the above None Hint 41). Which one of the following is a data register? EDX ECX EBX EAX None Hint 42). Which one of the following is an unsigned 64-bit data? Unsigned quad word Signed quad word Unsigned integer word Unsigned long integer None Hint 43). The code segment, stack segment, and data segment come under ______________ registers? CS and EIP Segment Operands None of the above None Hint 44). The EBP, ESI, EDI are the _________________ bit registers of 80386 microprocessor? 4 bits 32 bits 64 bits None of the above None Hint 45). The virtual memory of 80386 DX microprocessor is __________________ ? 1 GB 4 GB 64 GB 64 TB None Hint 46). What is the standard form of MOVZX? Move with Zero Extension Move with Zero Sign Extension Move with Sign Zero Extension None of the above None Hint 47). Which one of the following isa 32-bit instruction pointer? SI DI EIP None of the above None Hint 48). Which one of the following registers holds the data source offset in an operation using a memory block? ESI EBP EDI ESP None Hint 49). In which one of the following modes, there will be no virtual memory support? Real mode Protected mode Both a and b None of the above None Hint 50). Which one of the following segment registers are used as general data segment registers? Data segment Extra segment Code segment None of the above None Hint 80386 Microprocessor MCQ for Quiz 51). Which one of the following registers points to the top of the stack extended stack pointer? ESI EBP EDI ESP None Hint 52). Which one of the following modes the processor supports more addressing modes and instructions? Real mode Protected mode Both a and b None of the above None Hint 53). Which one of the following is a count register? EDX ECX EBX EAX None Hint 54). Which one of the following is an unsigned 16-bit data? Unsigned quad word Signed quad word Unsigned integer word Unsigned long integer None Hint 55). What is the standard form of CWDE? Convert Word to Doubleword Extended Convert Word to Double Extended Convert Word to Extended None of the above None Hint 56). Which one of the following isa 16-bit segment register? CS DS SS All of the above None Hint 57). Which one of the following modes supports LDT and GDT? Real mode Protected mode Both a and b None of the above None Hint 58). The real mode of 80386 microprocessor doesn’t supports LDT and GDT Real mode Protected mode Both a and b None of the above None Hint 59). Which one of the following is a 48-bit register? LDTR GDTR Both a and b None of the above None Hint 60). The input output privilege level comes under ________________ register? Control flags Status flags System flags None of the above None Hint 61). Which one of the following is an 8-bit general purpose register? EAX EBX AX AH None Hint 62). Which one of the following registers is used to manipulate the data? EAX EBP ESI None of the above None Hint 63). Which one of the following register points to the beginning of the local environment for a function? ESI EBP EDI ESP None Hint 64). Which one of the following modes the processor has only 1 MB memory addressing capability? Real mode Protected mode Both a and b None of the above None Hint 65). Which one of the following is a base register? EDX ECX EBX EAX None Hint 66). What is the standard form of BSR? Bit Scan Reverse Bit Simple Reverse Byte Scan Reverse None of the above None Hint 67). The BP, DI, SI are the ________________ bit registers of 80386 microprocessor? 32 bits 16 bits 8 bits None of the above None Hint 68). The CH, CL are the _________________ bit register of 80386 microprocessors? 32 bits 16 bits 8 bits None of the above None Hint 69). The convert word to double word is an additional ___________________ instructions? 80386 80286 8086 None of the above None Hint 70). The instruction queue size of 80386 microprocessor is _________________ bytes? 32 bytes 16 bytes 64 bytes 4 bytes None Hint 71). Which one of the following is a 16-bit general purpose register? EAX EBX AX All of the above None Hint 72). Which one of the following modes of 80386 microprocessor works as 8086/8088? Real mode Protected mode Both a and b None of the above None Hint 73). Which one of the following is a 48-bit register? LDTR IDTR Both a and b None of the above None Hint 74). Which one of the following is a bit test instruction of 80386 microprocessor? BSF BSR BTC None of the above None Hint 75). What is the standard form of BSF? Bit Scan Forward Bit Scan First Byte Scan Forward None of the above None Hint 80386 Microprocessor MCQ for Interviews 76). What is the standard form of AAD? ASCII Arithmetic for Division ASCII Adjust for Division ASCII Adjust for Device None of the above None Hint 77). Which one of the following is a destination index register? EBP ESI EDI ESP None Hint 78). Which one of the following is a stack pointer register? EBP ESI EDI ESP None Hint 79). What is the standard form of AAA? ASCII Arithmetic for Addition ASCII Adjust for Addition Arithmetic Adjust for Addition None of the above None Hint 80). What is the standard form of CWD? Convert Word to Double Word Convert Watt to Derive Word Convert Wattage to Drive Word None of the above None Hint 81). Which one of the following is a 32-bit general purpose register? AX EBX EBP All of the above None Hint 82). Which one of the following is an accumulator? EDX ECX EBX EAX None Hint 83). Which one of the following is a signed 64-bit data or four-word data? Unsigned quad word Signed quad word Unsigned integer word Unsigned byte None Hint 84). The test and reset a bit instruction comes under _________________ instruction? Bit scan Bit test Shift double None of the above None Hint 85). The SETO EAX mnemonic comes under _________________ instruction? Bit scan Bit test Shift double Condition set byte None Hint 86). Which one of the following mnemonics comes under shift double instruction of 80386 microprocessor? SHRD BTR BSF None of the above None Hint 87). What is the standard form of AAM? ASCII Arithmetic for Multiply ASCII Adjust for Multiply Arithmetic Adjust for Multiply None of the above None Hint 88). Which one of the following is a base pointer register? EBP ESI EDI ESP None Hint 89). Which one of the following is a source index register? EBP ESI EDI ESP None Hint 90). What is the standard form of CBW? Complex Byte Word Convert Byte to Word Common Byte Word None of the above None Hint 91). Which one of the following modes of 80386 microprocessor supports segmentation and paging? Real mode Protected mode Both a and b None of the above None Hint 92). What is the standard form of DAA? Decimal Adjust for Addition Decimal Adjust for Arithmetic Decimal Arithmetic for Addition None of the above None Hint 93). Which one of the following is 80386 instructions? CMPXCHG XADD CDQ None of the above None Hint 94). Which one of the following is an instruction pointer register? EBP ESI EDI EIP None Hint 95). What is the standard form of IMUL? Integer Multiply Byte Internal Multiply Byte Integral Multiply Byte None of the above None Hint 96). Which one of the following is an unsigned 32-bit data? Unsigned quad word Signed quad word Unsigned integer word Unsigned long integer None Hint 97). Which one of the following is a 32-bit pointer register? EBP BP SP All of the above None Hint 98). Which one of the following comes under system flags? Nested task Interrupt flag Parity flag None of the above None Hint 99). What is the standard form of PDBR? Page Directory Base Register Page Directory Bit Register Page Directory Byte Register None of the above None Hint 100). Which one of the following instructions used for I/O related activities? Sensitive Privileged Both a and b None of the above None Hint Read more about Microprocessor For More MCQs Microprocessor Question & Answers 8085 Microprocessor Question & Answers 8086 Microprocessor Question & Answers Please fill in the comment box below. Time's up